Friday, July 29, 2011

Mirror, Tell Me Who Do You See?

The mirror was not always a friend of mine when I was living sinfully in the world. But, now I see this woman that stands before me and she is no longer ashamed of her pain, past sins and shame. I see a woman that no longer has a desire to live in denial, but live in truth and honesty. 

A woman that has a heart filled with Love and passion to give and try to reach a multitude of others with written words of inspiration, hope, and pray to bless many others. She speaks out loud without hesitation and shows her emotion in her lyrics. If God can love us beyond all of our sins and selfish thinking than why can't we learn to love each other just a little bit more. I want to love you in Christian love.So, let me love you.

Spoken From The Heart

I want to stretch my arms out to embrace each and everyone past all their hurt and buried pain. It is not about reliving these moments, but helping them to find peace and healing within their heart, minds and soul. If I can be used to make positive changes, then so can everyone else. If we had a multitude of others reaching out to help the fallen to their feet and allow ourselves to love the unknown and unite a  family in Christian love, just imagine what a wonderful world to live in each and every day. I hope to experience a world such as this one day. 


This Journey

Somewhere on my journey in life, I got lost and offtrack. Although, the scenery appeared somewhat familiar I knew within that something had changed, my circumstances had changed. Inside of me, I was still determined to remain on my chosen path and not turn away because I knew that the world had nothing to offer me. Somewhere between my struggles of trying to discover my true identity, I heard a voice call out to me. "My child, why are you running away from me"? I saw a vision of a man with His arms stretched out and it appeared He was reaching for me. He wanted to save me, because He knew within that I had grown weary on my path of life. I was hurting internally and falling down, sinking into a deep sleep to possibly never wake again. He saved me and healed my hurting soul.