Friday, August 19, 2011

Time To Push Back

Setting Goals, Making Promises but taking no action is not comfortable or a satisfying place to be. When you are putting things off constantly until tomorrow or next week or next year, you do not feel content. You doubt your abilities and sometime, start disliking yourself. This is definitely not a place I ever want to visit again. But, I have been there and I honestly believe we all experience getting stuck in life for many reasons. When we become stuck and stagnant in life, we cannot move towards our goals or unhealthy situations. It's time for a Change!

There comes a time when we have to dig deep and push through the emotional barriers, obstacles, and distractions. It's extremely important that we become aware of our feelings, signs, symptoms and how they are affecting us in order to undo the present moments of being stuck and non-productive. You are embarking on a journey that many have and are still traveling at this moment, so please don't feel that you are alone. Remember, I stated earlier that" I have been there too'. The question is "What are you going to do about it"?

It's time for us to push back and arrive at that place and living the life that you desire and deserve. So, let us forget about the past and what didn't happen and begin at a new starting line together. Sometimes, we take the wrong turn, lose our way, find ourselves caught up in the game, step in quicksand and find ourselves sinking without any means of rescue in sight, but today I pray is  a day that all that changes for you. Let's make a commitment to no longer procrastinate, rationalize or make excuses. There were many times I started a project only to abandon it and move on to something else without completion. I have learned to now focus on a project and complete it before moving on to something else. I was all over the place working, but not really moving or accomplishing my goals. I must admit that change, focus and commitment is make this happen. Are you ready?

1. Decide on what you really want to do and accomplish. 2. Set a goal, plot a course and follow that plan through to achieve success. 3. Remove fear of failure from your thought process. 4. Ask for support and help, for support can make all the difference. 5. Don't seek perfection, it will result in you never achieving what you want. 6. Seek and be open for other options. 7. Will and determination is extremely important. 8. Believe in yourself, because if you don't...nobody else will.

Now go and get what you have been putting off...way too long! I would say good luck, but you don't need it..because I know that you will be very successful!

Author/Speaker Angela M. Thomas

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mirror, Tell Me Who Do You See?

The mirror was not always a friend of mine when I was living sinfully in the world. But, now I see this woman that stands before me and she is no longer ashamed of her pain, past sins and shame. I see a woman that no longer has a desire to live in denial, but live in truth and honesty. 

A woman that has a heart filled with Love and passion to give and try to reach a multitude of others with written words of inspiration, hope, and pray to bless many others. She speaks out loud without hesitation and shows her emotion in her lyrics. If God can love us beyond all of our sins and selfish thinking than why can't we learn to love each other just a little bit more. I want to love you in Christian love.So, let me love you.

Spoken From The Heart

I want to stretch my arms out to embrace each and everyone past all their hurt and buried pain. It is not about reliving these moments, but helping them to find peace and healing within their heart, minds and soul. If I can be used to make positive changes, then so can everyone else. If we had a multitude of others reaching out to help the fallen to their feet and allow ourselves to love the unknown and unite a  family in Christian love, just imagine what a wonderful world to live in each and every day. I hope to experience a world such as this one day. 


This Journey

Somewhere on my journey in life, I got lost and offtrack. Although, the scenery appeared somewhat familiar I knew within that something had changed, my circumstances had changed. Inside of me, I was still determined to remain on my chosen path and not turn away because I knew that the world had nothing to offer me. Somewhere between my struggles of trying to discover my true identity, I heard a voice call out to me. "My child, why are you running away from me"? I saw a vision of a man with His arms stretched out and it appeared He was reaching for me. He wanted to save me, because He knew within that I had grown weary on my path of life. I was hurting internally and falling down, sinking into a deep sleep to possibly never wake again. He saved me and healed my hurting soul.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Keeping It Simple

I must confess that 2011 has truly been a challenging year for me as a writer and I'm certain many more would agree with me. The goal to remain focus and stay the course to write until the project is complete has been tough, but I managed to finally pull through and complete my novel titled "Guilty Feet".

It's quite difficult at times trying to find balance and making time to market your products as well. One mistake that I have learned in my marketing approach is that a "book will not sell itself". You have to network by making connections and keeping them informed about your projects and future projects as well. It helps to join a local writer's support group as well.

It's easy to get discouraged at times in life, but just remember that success doesn't come easily. Just remember to put a great deal of time, effort and determination to achieve your life goals and you will be successful. 

Angela M. Thomas CPC  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Allow Your Light To Shine

Why are you concealing and hiding your light? Allow your light to shine for others to see. Lift yourself up and remove all of the shackles that try to bind you to this earth and all of its trappings.
Are you truly satisfied with where you are right now in your life? There is a much higher height you can achieve and attain in Him. The time is short. He needs you and I. There are so few who are willing to walk in perfect love----forsaking self,things,and all others for Him.

Sometimes we are the key to bring in our entire family into the Kingdom. So it is time for us to lift ourselves up and venture forth boldly in His name. We will never be alone. He is with us at all times. We will and We can get the job done together. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Allow Your Light To Shine

Why are you concealing and hiding your light? Allow your light to shine for others to see. Lift yourself up and remove all of the shackles that try to bind you to this earth and all of its trappings.
Are you truly satisfied with where you are right now in your life? There is a much higher height you can achieve and attain in Him. The time is short. He needs you and I. There are so few who are willing to walk in perfect love----forsaking self,things,and all others for Him.

Sometimes we are the key to bring in our entire family into the Kingdom. So it is time for us to lift ourselves up and venture forth boldly in His name. We will never be alone. He is with us at all times. We will and We can get the job done together. 

Place Yourself In His Hands

We have been asleep long enough and it's time for us to wake up! Why do we fret and worry? Why are we so concerned with the circumstances around us? Why is there a feeling of hopelessness in us right now, a feeling that this life is too much for us, that it's too difficult to cope with the situations around us?

It isn't you and I that the world wants to hold back and smother. It is the life and light and love of God that shine from us that the world is trying to quench. When we began to understand that, we will no longer be moved by the circumstances around us. Our circumstances are to be overcome in Him, so keep your eyes and trust in only Him.  Victory will be for you and I.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Author Angela M. Thomas (Blog): Angela M. Thomas Never Hurt Me Again.wmv

Author Angela M. Thomas (Blog): Angela M. Thomas Never Hurt Me Again.wmv

Author Angela M. Thomas (Blog): Get Your Mind Right

Author Angela M. Thomas (Blog): Get Your Mind Right: "Is your mind right? If your mind isn't right, fix it up today; get God to assist you in fixing it up and getting it right. It's a wonderful ..."

Get Your Mind Right

Is your mind right? If your mind isn't right, fix it up today; get God to assist you in fixing it up and getting it right. It's a wonderful thing to hear others speak about you in a positive way by saying,"He may not have reached the ultimate peak, he may not have lived out his dreams, but he tried to be a good hardworking honest man and never gave up.

Yes, we have all sinned and fell short of His glory. But I believe deep within my heart as children of God, we all want to become a better person. We all want to be accepted, taken in and blessed by Him. We all know that it will be dark sometimes, and it will be dismal and trying, and you can be assured trials and tribulation will come. But if you have strong faith in God, it doesn't matter what may come your way. For you can stand up amid the storms. You can hold on through the strongest force of winds.

Author Angela M. Thomas CPC